Upper Intermediate

بَلْخُ "أُمُّ الْبِلَادِ" Balkh, "Mother of the cities”

Language of Media
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اللَّاجِئون السّوريّون.. الواقِعِ والمَأمول The Syrian refugees: reality and hope

Language of Media
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الذَّكاءُ الاصْطِناعِي.. هَل تُنافِسُ الآلَةُ صانِعَها؟ AI, does the machine compete with its creator?

Language of Media
Upper Intermediate

لندن تَحْتَضِنُ مَعْرِضًا لِلْمُنْتَجاتِ الْإِسْلامِيّة London hosts a Muslim lifestyle show

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شَبَكَةُ مِتْرُو بيُونْغ يَانْغ Pyongyang Metro

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الْجَزيرَة تُواصِلُ رِحْلَتَهَا بالْقارّة المُتَجَمِّدة Al Jazeera continues its journey to Antarctica

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